Welcome to the Nobel and Myrdal Kollegiums

On this page you will find the contact information about all the members of the committees and the janitor.
The rest of this webpage is, however in Danish. If questions arise please do not hesitate to contact one of the committee members.

Position Name Apt. Email Phone
Formand / Head of the residence committee (Nobel) Anna Bastholm Mølgaard 11D5 anna.molgaard@live.dk 52 37 60 03
Kasserer / (Head of the finances) (Nobel) Mai Bech-Hansen 15A maibechhansen@ymail.com 50 54 94 06
Festformand / Head of the social activities committee (Nobel) Rikke Friis Richter 9D4 rikke.fr@hotmail.com 30 27 09 13
It-Formand / Head of the IT committee (Nobel) Jacob Beckermann 17C3 jacob.beckermann@gmail.com 24 80 78 04
Revisor / Head of the common areas (Nobel) Christoffer Christiansen 9D2 chris76c@live.dk 40 47 16 34
Formand /Head of the residence committee (Myrdal) Mikkel Løfkvist 21C mikkel@loefkvist.dk 20 54 10 79
Kasserer / Head of the finances (Myrdal) Magnus Knudsen 23G magn4968@hotmail.com 29 78 35 20
Festformand /Head of the social activities committee (Myrdal) Maria Hougaard 21B2 maria2512@hotmail.dk 40 59 61 15
Head of the IT committee (Myrdal) Simon Thostrup Kappel 21B2 it@nobelnet.dk 40 97 67 89
Primary janitor Lasse Damborg Hansen N/A N/A 27 90 15 41

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